It’s often difficult to decide exactly where to eat out, especially if there are a lot of people in your group. Like every group, someone always takes up the position of elected driver and that’s OK if that person doesn’t drink but unfair if everybody is letting their hair down. That familiar discussion about where to go is something that I personally experienced this week. We turned to the Internet and the name of a restaurant popped up, the reviews were fantastic and it was likened to some of the more credible ones located in Los Alcázares. One of the key things to mention here is that the restaurant provides a free pickup and drop off service. This initiative is new and proving extremely popular and given that the location is some 20 minutes from Los Alcázares, very valuable. Vehicles are sign written and the drivers are English, it’s by no way a silent journey as they are so passionate about what they do. Many of you know; “ Little Sicily ” that has es...
An area blog about Los Alcázares